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Compare Projects for Differences?


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On 1/12/2020 at 5:23 AM, AlexUT said:


Please read following HelpDesk Article:

working with multiple VisiLogic environments at the same time

But be careful with projects.

It is better to open 2 VisiLogic windows at 2 monitors.



This totally does not answer the original question, just pivots to the other question.

Let me repeat the original question: The Unilogic software seem to lack a very basic feature that other leading brand PLCs have, which is incredibly useful to programmers, and that is the ability to compare to project and find the differences between them, without having to have the projects opened side by side on the same window and perform a manual (eye) comparison.

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Hi @Bruno Zbinden

There is no such a functionality as  of now, but as a workaround, you can use the "analyse project" tool


Then, it will show you statistics on the project. You have a way to export it as an excel and then to compare excel issued from the 2 projects to compare.


Regarding ladder logic, you can print ladder functions and look at them side by side.


I know these ways are not ideal but it can help achieve some kind of comparison anyways.

Hope this helps!


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