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I have a set up of 6 v130s sending data to a v1040. Basically every second I send 6 MI's to the 1040 from each 130. The system is working decently but I feel as though the code needs to be debugged since the 130s continue to pop up the SW Watchdog screen. The PLCs work fine after reset but eventually the Watchdog screen comes back. I have read a few threads on this and I am just wondering if anyone has any tips and could help me out.

Thanks a ton,


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Hi BenB,

In general these kind of errors are generated by watchdog timer in case the controller exceeds some predefined time and didn't pass trough Scan end. The reason can be internal loop, logical error.

Does this error occur in all V130 PLCs?

If yes then most probably there is some problem with the code.

Are you using jump to label function?

Make sure that there is no internal loop which will cause this kind of error.

Anyway if you do not find the reason for this problem send the application to support@unitronics.com and we will check it.

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