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Getting frustrated with this. I have a machine (for years) with 15 displays for different length operations. They all have a light blue background with a bunch of buttons on them.  I also have a rotating fan as a display of machine on rotation (list of images by pointer. 
Setting up another machine with the same PLC (v1210 with v200-18-e3xb).  I've made another 15 screens with the same system. Duplicated all the MBs as the first logic, but instead of example mb33 the same button for machine 2 is mb1033. They also have a different Screen background light green so the operator can see easily which machine screen he is looking at from far. Here is the problem. The rotating image will not show of the green screens no matter what I do. Transparent background checked or not, draw on back color or not. Even if I delete it and try to set up a new image or if I try list of images by range they will not show. Also the binary images show on and off at the same time (valve closed blue and open red popped up) but only on the second machine screens. What am I missing. It is a fairly good size program with 60 screens and well over 1000 rungs in 16 subroutine. Thanks in advance!

  • MVP 2014

I presume you have been developing this program and downloading changes as you go.  I would suggest you download a completely blank project to the PLC, then re-open the project above, do a "Build All" and download the full project again.  

  • MVP 2014

I've also been reminded (by another member of the forum) of the value of performing  a full Initialise and Reset. 

The general idea here is to wipe everything out in the PLC and re-load a clean project from scratch.


  • MVP 2023

I've had similar problems during program development. After re-downloading the project to the PLC several hundred times, the image memory can get corrupted somehow. It's easily fixed (as Simon says), by downloading a BLANK project then re-downloading your program. This only occurs during program development when the project gets downloaded too many times - it no longer occurs once the program is in service and is no longer being downloaded from VisiLogic.

  • MVP 2023

Dumb question time.  Have you made sure that all firmware versions etc on the new plc is identical to the old?  Programming the new in the same Visi version as the old? (Even though that shouldn't make a difference, but who knows!)

If that isn't the trick, run two instances of Visi side by side and then do right click Find on your different elements.  The subsequent list might show up an error or number of instances difference between the two.

If you have used the Replace operand facility, make sure that you have not overwritten something crucial in your new destination.  Visi will just plonk any vector you specify over the top of existing stuff.  Because of this, I only use Replace very carefully, and do multiple saves under a FIFO naming system so that I can go back even just a few minutes ago.

cheers, Aus

  • MVP 2014

Somethine else I do in these types of cases is make very simple test programs.  For example you say that certain binary images appear as if both images are bing displayed.  Create a very simple program that just has the binary image object and enough logic for you to control the change of state for the linked variable.

Anothing point to note, are you doing anything with manual screen jumps or screen refresh/re-load?  That can also create some weird effects.  For example, a screen jump or screen refresh is linked to a direct contact, when the contact turns on, it tried to refresh the screen every scan.


I will try these later today. There is nothing wrong with functionality. Both machines work fine. Making the second machine logic with mb1000 + helps so I know right away which machine component I am looking at. Same with the 15 programs. Mach 1 is program 131-1131 Mach 2 is 231-2131 depends on how many cycles in the program. Easy for the operators to see what's going on. 


So the double image issue with a binary image is kind of solved by using -p- and -n- to refresh HMI when that output is on/off.  For now I just use a binary image/switch to to show red off and green on instead of the rotating fan. I know I am a quitter, but I have another fish to fry and I don't want to stop the machine during production time. 
thank you for all the help!

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