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Indicator light that can blink, change color, etc...


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I  am working on an application where I would like to show 4 indicator lights on the screen and use them to direct the operator through the process.

I know how to use my MB along with SB3 to toggle another MB for on/off control , but this does not address the change in color.

I also did the List of Images:Pointer and this works good for the color change, but only with the indicator always on.

Is there any way to use the pointer and store direct functions for color/image, but still incorporate the SB3 when I want it to blink?

Thank you,


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  • MVP 2023

Assuming you don't want to simply hide the indicator light to make it blink (i.e. show the light there but make it go gray or black or white to show the blink off condition), then I would assign zero to the blink off image and assign 1 - 4 for the other 4 colors and use SB 3 to alternate the list of images value between your assigned color and the off color. The following two lines of code allow you decide whether or not to blink and then blink the light between the current assigned color and the "Off" color. MI 1 would be the link for the List of Texts by Pointer.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

I  was going down the path of a 0 for the off condition so my indicators were already set up perfectly, but was getting hung up on the different "stores" and how to time things.

I was not aware of the reset numeric bit and using the inverted state of SB3 works perfectly.

Its blinking just like it's supposed to!!!!

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