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ModBus Slave Operation limit

Robin P

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On upgrading my Unilogic program with compiler version 1.29.111, it now reports this error: 'The TCP Remote slave limit of 64 operations has be (sic) reached. (136)' The program previously compiled successfully with compiler version 1.29.26 and .34.

I have 11 ModBus Remote Slaves on separate IP addresses, with 10 of which I request a single 64-register transfer, and the eleventh two 32-bit register transfers.

If I remove all the Slaves and associated code, then the program compiles. If I then reinstate them it now compiles successfully!

I have several versions of my program in development, chasing different operational problems. Do I have to repeat this procedure for each of them in order to use this latest compiler?


Robin Proctor

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