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Specific functions on unitronics servo drive


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Im working with servo UMD-0010E-B3 and motor UMM-0010EA-B3. PLC is USC-B5-TA30.

Would like to know if there is a way that the servo make this. Have to make a complete spin within a given time. No care about the speed during most of the spin. At a given point of that spin, its speed has to be equal to a given one. Couldn´t find a solution . I would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks.

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  • MVP 2023

As far as I know - a rotary knife can not be implemented using the capabilities of the Unistream+Servo platform. This application requires high-speed positioning circuit processing with two encoders - material speed and knife motor speed.

Such applications require specialized processing modules and appropriate technological software. I am familiar with solutions from Siemens, Nidec (Control Techniques) and Koolmorgen.

The only case where this application could be built yourself with free software sample code - is a hardware kit from Control Techniques (Unidrive SP +  SMEZmotion with  Power tools Pro software) but Unidrive SP is out of production. All other solutions require additional costs for both  hardware and software.

You can contact support@unitronics.com for information.

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On 3/9/2022 at 11:43 AM, kratmel said:

As far as I know - a rotary knife can not be implemented using the capabilities of the Unistream+Servo platform. This application requires high-speed positioning circuit processing with two encoders - material speed and knife motor speed.

Such applications require specialized processing modules and appropriate technological software. I am familiar with solutions from Siemens, Nidec (Control Techniques) and Koolmorgen.

The only case where this application could be built yourself with free software sample code - is a hardware kit from Control Techniques (Unidrive SP +  SMEZmotion with  Power tools Pro software) but Unidrive SP is out of production. All other solutions require additional costs for both  hardware and software.

You can contact support@unitronics.com for information.

I have seen those applications using ORMEC Drivers ORMEC | Motion Control | Total System Solutions for Factory Automation.

On 2/22/2023 at 11:09 AM, Marcelo said:

Hello, Is there any new develpment in axes coordination using servos? Or with the function "rottary knife"? Thanks

axis coordination or synchronization are different that the "rotatory knife" when high speed and "electronic camming" is required you need specialized hardware as @kratmel said.

on axis synchronization the controller does all the reverse kinematics of a given trajectory and send the desired position/speed/acceleration to the drivers. then the motion is "Sync" but actually each driver is doing an independent motion.

on the rotatory knife application (used often on horizontal packing machinery at high speeds). the idea is that one servo motor is a master and the other a slave, and then one motion should be derived from the other one, you make a motion profile and a virtual cam, so that way the system should behave as it the two motors are mechanically linked together. so High-speed controllers and High-speed communication protocols are required in order to maintain the response time. 

So, it really depends on the application that you have, and the correct selection of hardware rather than the software. the UMD-0010E-B3 uses CAN-Open:

Can Open 10 kbit/s to 1000 kbit/s in comparison Servo Wire (Firewire IEEE 1394) works up to 400 Megabit/s


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