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How to set an address in UNILOGIC to communicate with motor controller.


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I am working on a project where I use one RS232 COM module (UAC-02RS2) to communicate with motor controller which has 8 DIP switches. First four switches are setting the address of the controller, next two are setting boud rate and last two has no function. 

May I ask where I have to set the address in UNILOGIC to communicate with this controller? 

Thanks and best regards.


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  • MVP 2023

After quickly reading the documentation, I can only state the fact that controlling this controller from a PLC is possible.

However, due to the proprietary communication protocol with the controller proposed by the manufacturer, writing the control program will take some time.

Separately, you will also need to configure the controller itself using a program from the manufacturer.

If you are an experienced user of Unistream, you will create a command library and program the controller settings via manufacturer software . If you are not familiar with writing a non-standard communication protocol, it is better for you to change the controller to a Unitronics servo drive and get ready motion functions without creating unnecessary additional protocols.

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