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PLC + Turbine Flow Meter

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Hello PLC community!

Our PLC dewatering pump station utilizes "Turbine" flow meters in its discharge pipes. 

The recommended "straight" pipe run distance before your flow meter is 15 x pipe diameter and 5 x after  for stable and accurate flow rate data.

This leading "straight" pipe run allows the generated turbulence from lets say a 90 degree elbow, to become  more "laminar" in its fluid flow.

In our case, the required straight run length would be 45 inches before and 15 inches after! (5 feet total)

The problem was that the area I had for the four large dewatering pumps was only 46" MAX!!

Pictured below, was my prototype solution to this space confinement.

The finished unit consisted of two 3 inch PVC unions surrounding  a 4 inch long  "1/2 inch tube filled "   3 inch PVC pipe.

This  allowed me to install the flow meters within only 8 inches of the "turbulent" 90 degree elbows!! 

The "tubes" act as a "water straightener" quelling the generated vortexes and rotational twisting out of the elbow resulting in a laminar flow.





Hope this maybe helpful in your pump application!






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