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Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a function or a way to list all the CSV files in get all the names in texte file?

What i am trying to do is the same thing when we are in uniapps and we get all the Data tables names then we can select them.

Thank you.

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where the CSV file will be located/stored and who/when/how the CSV files will be created?...i mean you will created a CSV file referred at the current data then when the day is gone you will saved it or user will create its own, let me say, "recipe" then you want recall these? or you know from the begin what will be the CSV files name?...other!?

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The CSV files will be created by the function Store DTI, so it will be created in SD Data Tables folder when they press the save button, 
So let's say I have recipe1, recipe2, recipe3, saved in Data Tables folder as CSV files, now i want to add a combo box, that can shows me all the CSV files in the Data Tables folder.

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ok...i don't know how complex is the recipe...but I can suggest to think about the implemetation of the recipe "name" in the struct that already contain the datas for the recipe...so you will just append the new receipe in just one file and you will navigate in this file to check/show the receipes that users had insert...so will be not needed some files browser to check what files was created...hope that is clear and that can be acceptable for you.

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Thank you so much for this demo, that's so nice of you,
I understood what you want to say now, the problem is that now i will give the name in each row, so my recipe is gonna be the row, but what i want to do is to make All the table as a recipe, and my point of saving and calling it as CSV, is to be more dynamic with the number of recipe that i can create.

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ok...so if I well understood you is thinking about a DTI recipe because each row of the DTI will be a step of the recipe...something like that!?

however...maybe you can save the name of the files that you will create in a file (from a DTI) so, in the same way of my example, you can navigate and select the "name" that you will append at the string that rappresent the name of the file.

otherwise you have to take a look at the "file browser" or "file selector browser" in the MANAGEMENT TOOLS of the HMI toolbox

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