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Posts posted by CltOff

  1. I'm not sure I understand your need...

    You're right.

    My question was too general. I try to explain better.

    If I've developed an application and my customer is asking me the sortware documentation I've to create a document that describe the data flow diagram from Input to Output passing from decisional points.

    Normally it is a boring work.

    If it could be possible to have in automatic mode the data flow diagram (maybe checking routines that has to be included in the report an routines that hasn't), it should be easier to generate software documentation.

    I know that isn't an easy job... but asking is "free of charge".... :)

    I know that using the print options it's possible to create a report, about the application, but isn't easy to "read" and it "discovers" too much the implemented application.

    I hope now I've been more clear.

    Attached some data flow examples.

    Best regards


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  2. First of all tks for your answer.

    So if I use MI variables inside a "Formula block" I haven't to take care of intermediate calculation (exept for overflow on 32bit) because they're done in 32bits and not in 16, and if I want max precision on integer part of the result I have to do the division at the end of calculation.

    If I use ML I have to take care of intermediate possible overflow...

    If I want the best result I've to force some MF -> calculation are done in MF -> overflow quite impossible... But in that case, if I'm using all the 25 MF available in the PLC, do I risk to loose some data?


  3. Hi to everybody,

    I'm using this banal formula Y=A*[100 - B]/100

    where A and B are MI

    A goes from 0 to 4095 (MI is perfect)

    B goes from 0 to 100 (MI is perfect again)

    Y goes from 0 to A (MI...)

    all seems to be coherent with the use of MI, but is it true?

    In other terms: if I look at the intermediate calculation I find an A*[100 - B] that in case of (for example)

    A=4000 and B = 0 will have a result equal to 400.000 that isn't compatible with an MI.

    My question is: when I use formula, have I to take account of the intermediate calculations?



  4. Hello ! I am kinda new to programming the V350 and programming in general. I have following situation and cannot find a workaround ;(

    i have 3 MBs indicating a status and i want to have another MB set if e.g. BIT1,2 is Set and BIT0 is UnSet ....

    so IF MB1 + MB2 = 1 and MB3 = 0 THEN MB4 = Set

    ELSE MB4 = Unset

    how can i implement such a function ??

    Thank you for your help in advance ...

    best regards .. Thomas

    The ans at the first question:



    (MB1 or MB2) and (not MB3) then MB4 =1


    MB4 = 0

  5. Using a V120-22 in the FB's I've both the blocks (PID Auto-Tune and PID) and inside this all the related sub-functionalities.

    Using a V570 in the FB's I've ONLY PID Auto-Tune.

    First of all why and wich is the difference?

    After, but more important: if I want to use a V570 but I don't want to use the auto-tune procedure (I want to use only the normal pid configuration and then the PID-Run) how have I to proceed?

    Thanks a lot.


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  6. I'm trying to create files for UniDownLoader but I've some problems.

    Maybe I'm using the wrong procedure... could someone write me the right way?

    I tryed to use


    Create proj file

    but it doesn't work off line

    I tryed to use


    UniDownLoad Designer

    but it ask me files that I don't have



  7. Sorry,

    We were on National Holidays.

    Yes, you can change hte limits in dynamic way. Despite PID Config module is activated with one scan condition, it's scanned all the time. Of course, it must be located in a subroutine, which is scanned all the time - recommended in Main Routine!

    Why you want to change CV? In general, it's related to hardware. What is the idea? What is your system?

    I've two engines to control (one in OL and the other in CL by the PID) using a "dancer" feedback.

    The "dancer" has to stay always horizontal (so I've to control the speed of the second engine in the properly way).

    When I start the bench, of course I increase the speed of the OL engine using a ramp (the CL engine has the same ramp (exept for a tau ratio) plus the PID contribution).

    The PID CV contribution during the ramp, in my opinion, has to be calculated between CV Low/high limit where these limit are dynamically equal to the actual speed of the OL engine, otherwise the CL engine beaviour becomes "nervous".

    Best regards


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    • Upvote 1
  8. No one could help me?

    I'd need this information for tomorrow... viceversa I'll tell you about the experience on the field next monday.

    Probably this is an obvious question, but I think that in this case the ans could be simply "Yeah, of course"!

    The question is:

    the CV low / high limit could be change while PLC is running or are frozen at power-up?



    I try to explain better:

    If I've the CV low limit in MIxx and CV high limit in MIyy, can I change the value of MIxx and MIyy while PLC is in run mode and PID is running or their values are read at power-up (at the PID config step) and frozen at that values?

  9. Probably this is an obvious question, but I think that in this case the ans could be simply "Yeah, of course"!

    The question is:

    the CV low / high limit could be change while PLC is running or are frozen at power-up?



    I try to explain better:

    If I've the CV low limit in MIxx and CV high limit in MIyy, can I change the value of MIxx and MIyy while PLC is in run mode and PID is running or their values are read at power-up (at the PID config step) and frozen at that values?

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