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Gerardo Gamez

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Posts posted by Gerardo Gamez

  1. Best Regards,

    1.             I am having a problem connecting a V350 unitronics by modbus RTU RS485 as slave to a master (modbusPoll software-PC) RS485 4 Wire.

                    I have checksum error in this configuration.

                    In any other configuration the communication works fine. By other configuration I mean having modbusPoll as master RS485 2 Wire and RS232.

                    I am just having problem with mobusPoll as master RS485 4 WIRE.

                   Thank you for your answer.


    2.            I see by default RS485 2 WIRE on V350 PLC unitronics. Is there any model within the catalog of unitronics, having RS485 4 WIRE available (physically).?

                   Thanks for your answer.

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