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Posts posted by AlexLV

  1. Hi, Found some answers and updated mu program:

    1.  Will check status of sockets, in 19 or 21 - will try to restart socket (close it) and open again.

    2. Found if PLC is Master - all ID should be 255, not needed to be changed.

    3. Now can read more than one register. Vector reading  (I can't read 10 registers going one by one) not working for me with Danfos ECL, but I can read them one by one. I added (S) and (R) elements to create sequence to read registers one by one.

    Will continue add more registers I need to read.

    Thank you for helping.


  2. Flex727 and Isacovic,

    big thanks you are helping me. Now step by step situation is better and better clear what is going on. Improved communication, divided program part to be clear readable. Added socket for communication with PC. Works now.

    Some more new question appears:

    1. Sometimes not all sockets has statuss 23, often statuss 19 or 21. Found out that is also depends other side – device wihch I want communicate other side over selected socket. But how better control such problems with sockets? I just added key to restart whole communication, but also not always helps..

    2. In Modbus communication configuration ( I need work with 3 Modbus IP devices) I put different Modbus ID address of my PLC, when I use the same – also looks some problems with socket initialization. But how do it correctly?

    3. I don't know why, but I can read from Danfoss ECL only one Modbus register at time, vector reading not working… Modbus CAS scanner can read more than one register.. How correctly read registers one by one? Please look on my program's 14, 15 rungs. How do modbus reading in sequence of many registers? (I need aprox 30-40 registers to read from one device, and they not going one by one)… Not found such example unfortunately, need your advice in that case..



    P.S. Flex727 thank you for explain very in detail what to do step by step. This is REALLY helpful for novice who begin work with Unitronic devices.


  3. Hello,

    Could you please check how correctly I created socket initialization?

    Some new questions:

    1. Problem - sockets not always started (status 19 and stay so), how to restart it in such case correctly?

    2. I can read only one register from Danfoss device, if more - I receive error. How correctly create sequence to read registers one by one?

    3. How correctly open socket for PC connection? Now I use free comport connection, but which port and protocol should I choose for PC connection?







  4. Hi,

    I stil need your help. Some moments not clear for me:

    1. How automatically initialize socket (3 in my case) during start up? (Instead MB11 in my  case) Not always V700 ethernet status = 23, so how restart it in case of unlucky connection at startup or communication lost? Not found in help clear socket usage :(

    2. I have MI Modbus IP Holding registers reading status = 7  - from help 

    Master-slave data incorrectly synchronized

    What does it mean?

    3. I need read registers from different Modbus IP devices, not clear how do next steps when first device data received.

    Please help me solve these problems



  5. V700v2.vlpIsacovic and Gabriel,

    BIG thanks for helping new junior Unitronics programmers.

    I corrected showed mistakes, but anyway problem to trart connection. in example I taken for starting is used V700 ETH Card read block. On exit of this block I see value -18157.. So just because of problem connection not established.

    Also I read, that for Unitronics Slaves I need to add to Modbus config slaves IP, port and ID. I have no slaves unitronic PLSs, do I need such config for non Unitronic Modbus TCP Slaves?

    What you can recommend for me next steps?

    With CAS Modbus scanner I can read Holding register form my device.

    Error picture and modified program in attachment.

    Thank you for helping me.



  6. Hi,

    I create my first project with Modbus TCP and V700. I need V700 as Modbus TCP Master and 3 Modbus TCP slave devices. Mostly I need read different parameters from these devices, rarely to make changes.  I need start advice's for me and and answer on some stupid questions :)

    1. I know that v700 has 8 sockets. Can I use 3 of them and configure each of these 3 sockets to work with 502 port for communication for 3 different IP slave devices independently? Or have better organize socket usage?

    2.  In my very start example (I took from examples one variant to begin work with) I want to read 11201 holding register from device. For now start and stop communication manually.  I can't establish connection. Can you please look what is wrong?

    BR, Alex


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