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Posts posted by emrahyigit

  1. in order to see user controlled ascii characters inside the combobox list, i am trying to use a combobox with a dynamic option. i select the option "Location: Indirect" and "Drive Type: SD or DOK". to get these ascii characters from SD or DOK,  i need to use "append buffer to user file". in order to have a "source buffer", i need to use "copy tag to buffer". to get the "data tag", i need to use "copy column to array in DTI" which will copy the ascii variables from where i created a data table. if this is a correct way, what kind of a variable should i assign to "destination array" in the function "copy column to array in DTI"image.jpeg.998b6ef7c57e5160c2e5ee9d6a1867e1.jpeg

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