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Posts posted by lukeh

  1. Hi Aus,

    How often and total recording time are both still TBD. How often is going to be configurable on the HMI and total recording time is flexible depending on what is possible. I want a sense of how much data can be written to the file before it becomes an issue so that I can set constraints on how often/total recording time if the user would ever approach that limit.


  2. Hi,

    1) I am writing to a single CSV file exclusively and am just appending rows to that one file.

    2) In my testing the file has never gotten above 20 KB. At what point would it become unfeasible to write to that single file? Once this is implemented the file could get quite large, but that is not the case right now.

    3/4) I am using a 32GB SDHC card. I originally had some issues formatting the card and I saw on a forum that the SD Card Suite sometimes has issues with formatting 32GB cards. I thought I had resolved that issue, but that could be a factor. Visually the file structure looks ok and I haven't noticed anything unusual.


  3. Hi,

    I have been having the same issue as described in this post. I have a very simple program that logs the date, time, and a single value into a CSV file and SB 344 gets stuck in the ON position. This doesn't happen every time, but it happens consistently enough to make the program very unreliable. I have checked all of the status messages and they all show no errors (value of 0). I have also checked the length of my vector and ensured that is long enough.

    I am using the latest version of VisiLogic (9.8.91) and a V130 with the latest OS. Also, removing the SD card and inserting it back allows me to access the SD card through the SD Card Explorer (which I couldn't do when the bit was locked on), but does not actually reset the bit.


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