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Posts posted by rokise

  1. Hello everyone!

    I think that I solve this problem.

    I noticed, that this error of UniOPC displayed, because opc server (or oplc) does not have time to process the corresponding amount of data for the period of time specified in the settings of opc server (update rate time of port settings). When I try to increase this settings to several seconds this error is gone. tested 3 days


  2. Hello everyone! 

    I have a task to view data frome unitronics PLC Vision v570 on several PC's with Scada WINCC v.13sp1 (Tia portal). And I have a problem to do this: I set up UniOPC on 1st PC and data is present. I set DCOM settings with manual readme from UniOPC, but data on other PC not available. what I wrong set, please advice me. 

    UniOPC v.2.0.19

    OS windows 7 x64

    Thanks and have a good day!

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