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Graham Witkowski

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Posts posted by Graham Witkowski

  1. Its great to say 'dont update just because your can'.  However I have just purchased a new laptop and done a clean download from the Unitronics website.  Surely this should this should have been fixed.  I have just tried to upload a program to a Samba 4.3 I had in stock, it asked for a OS update, which I've done many times before with no issues.  It has now effectively bricked the Unit.  I am going to have to try and revive my old laptop and see if I can use it to unbrick it.


    Utterly unacceptable to be expected to just not do up dates, especially when Visilogic requested it.

  2. Hi

    I have built a winding machine that moves material from one roll to another. Normally with is done to a set length, the machine slows down the rolls and stops at a given point, via input from a shaft encoder.  basically the Samba is fancy 2 stage counter linked to a VFD. The user would then typically cut the material, add a new roll, reset the counter and press start again.


    I have customer who wants to be able to have the machine wind their material roll to roll and stop at 3-4 random points throughout the 50m roll - this is for the purpose of a quality control check their product. without cutting the material at all.

    I need the slow down and stop to be automatic, I could add a 'resume' button to continue to the next stop point, before finally stopping at 50m.

    I have uploaded the original working programme.   Any assistance would be amazing.


    Final Vers 1.3 180823 no over temp 305dc.vlp

  3. On 9/12/2023 at 12:00 AM, kratmel said:

    If you use both direction for only positive count - no quadrature encoder signal needed (Shaft encoder must be changed to High Speed Counter) .

    You can use High Speed Counter for encoder (run only to positive) without any changes in wiring.

    Try to test this option and make some correction in math.

    I have not tried that yet.  The machines needs to be able to run in reverse to get the material passing under the encoder to stop in the right place, if it over runs.  HSC counts positive in both directions it wouldn't allow for error correction. 

  4. Hi 


    I have written a programme to control a small rewinding machine, the machine run both CW & CCW.  I have the counter working, when it counts up the screen output in fine, if you run the encoder backwards the count will  go down, but once it reaches 0 and attempts to go into a minus the display ##########. The number is in -40 something millions.  Does this need a scaling factor?


    The other issue I have is that sometime the  roll unwinds in the opposite direction and the encoder counts into a minus.  Is there a way to switch the input within the ladder? So the count is always positive?

    Sorry if this is vague . Program attached

    Final Vers 1.3 180823 no over temp 305dc.vlp

  5. Hi


    I am trying to do something similar.  I am using DW instead of MI


    I am counting pulses from the HSC and calculating them to MM's.  I have a numeric box on the screen where the user can enter the required MMs via a keyboard and this is stored in a DW. it then uses a comparator to either slow down the machine or stop it once it has counted to the required value.

    What I am trying to do is to get create a button that writes a fix value into the DW for the required distance in MM (1000, 5000, 10000, etc) for frequently used sizes, to save the user having to use the keyboard.

    What would I need for this?

    Thanks Graham

  6. Hi 

    I hope someone can assist me with some.  I have had a Samba 4.3 HMI out in the field for little over a month, the machine its on is used a couple of times a week.

    I've been called by my customer today to say that the machine hangs on the splash screen and does not load the main screen.  The splash is only supposed to appear for 3 seconds.

    This isnt something I've come across before. Hoping someone here can help out. I have loaded the code.



    Final Vers 1.2.vlp

  7. Thanks for your help.  Putting in a positive rise solved the problem.

    On another note, does anyone have the code for a simple hours counter?

    The machine this is going on will run in cycles of up to 1-2 minutes max.

    I want to monitor how long the PLC has been powered on as well as a cumulative time for how long the cycle has been running -  to give me an idea of how many hours the motor has clocked up.

  8. Hi


    I am using a Samba 43-J-R20.  I have screen containing fix parameters I want to hide behind a password.

    I have followed other examples I have seen on the forum.  Admittedly it was from the V130, but I cant see why it would work on the Samba.

    Can anyone see what I've done wrong?

    If I SET MB20 manually, the screen is called and displayed.  it just does not work when the password is entered correctly.

    Any help would be great.





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