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Posts posted by garydreppert

  1. I have some actuators I am controlling with a vision 700 over modbus. When I read the holding registers for the position data the data is being brought in as signed 2s compliment numbers. Does anyone know why this is and how to bring it is as base 10? If i read the same registers with the program MODBUS POLL the data reads correctly with that program which leads me to believe it is something in how Visilogic converts the data. 

  2. Just playing around with an application to control some linear actuators over MODUbus using an Ethernet physical layer and wondering if I am configuring things correctly.

    Here are a couple main commands that I have been sending out over serial comms using a MODbus testing app and things appear to be working correctly.

    Enable Modbus: 01 05 0427FF00 3D01

    Servo On: 01 06 0D001000 86A6

    Home: 01 06 0D001010 876A

    Position 1: 01 06 98000000 A6AA

    Position 2: 01 06 98000001 676A

    I am at the point now where I am trying to do 2 things,

    1. Verify that my communication between the Unitronics and the actuator controller is working properly.

    2. That I am properly configuring the messages in the FB's within Visilogic.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Program attached.

    Actuator Test.vlp

  3. Good Morning,

    I have finally been able to return to this project using IAI's RCON controller with MODBUS RTU protocol. I am working through configuring this on the V700 side of things and I have referenced the example program but have made a couple modications. I have the ethernet card initialized, I am initalized on socket 2 port 502.  When I test the read function the staus message goes to 0 as it should and the acknowledge message increments when I press the button. However, on the write function I am trying a loopback test I am getting a 7 on the status message and am not sure why? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


  4. Hello All,

    I have a vision 700 display and I am trying to control some linear actuators over Ethernet from the screen. Has anyone ever attempted this type of control? I'm using the Unitronics to replace some Allen Bradley stuff which is what was controlling the actuators before. Just looking for some help with the handshake and how to send and receive messages. Thanks.

    TIPS-110130 ACON PCON C_CG Ethernet IP Setup.pdf

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