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Egyed Károly

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Posts posted by Egyed Károly

  1. Yes, we also use Linak motor, but now we have problem with servo motors.

    We have changed the 0.15 parameters  from 0 to 3.

    Now we can use H-6200 in relativ mod (we put H-41 -> it means the 6 bit will be 1), but we can use only one direction. How we can use the oposit direction ?

    We can see the absolut position in H-0B20 and H-0B21 and the unit also same (10.000 pulse/rev) , which we use to give the position in H-6201 and H-6202. So now we need to know to move the oposit direction.

    We use:

    EL6-RS750Z AC Servo Drive Leadshine


  2. Hi, 

    We have problem the absolut motor position after current interrupt. We see H-0B1C can give the absolut position of the servo-motor (Mi 25 absolut, see first drag file), but we do not know how we can go to this position.

    We use H-6202 to give the position with H-6200 = 1 (see second drag file) but this is not absolut. After current interrupt the position will change. We tried the H-6200 =41 (relativ), but in this case the motor did not want to stop. The H-0B1C and the H-6202 are not in the same unit -> we use H-0B1C: 25÷70 (Mi 25 value range)  and for this H-6202: 1500÷5000 but this value range change after interrupt -> it will be 6500÷10000 or another. The different (3500) is same.

    Please help us to understend this !


    Képernyőkép 2024-08-28 080726.png

    Képernyőkép 2024-08-28 082142.png

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