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Posts posted by Valver

  1. Hello,

    I have managed to do it BUT only once! I explain myself:

    I download the application the PLC, do to him ping his IP and he answers me, I enter the explorer introduce this IP and the page ' Start.htm ' appears, (so far well) but of to load and he does not answer already again ever.

    I do him again ping and he does not answer, and the page does not load any more and expires.

    Likewise I lose the communication with Visiologic.

    I have read in the help, which the Socket 2 uses for SCADA systems which use MODBUS TCP over IP.

    I wonder: would it be possible to use the Socket 2 for the Web Server in Modbus Tcp and to leave the Socket 1 for communication with Visiologic?

    Thank you

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for the response.

    I do not understand:

    In order to eliminate the router settings, try to connect your PC directly to the PLC.

    By means of connection series? Crossed Ethernet?

    Is it normal that with TCP_RAW loses the connection in the Visiologic?

    Do I suppose that it will be ethernet crossed, if it is like that, where I can find the scheme of the cable that I need to mount it?

    Thank you again and excuse my ignorance.

  3. Hello all,

    I am having serious problems with the configuration of the advanced webserver.

    I have continued the manual correctly (or I believe that)


    and I do not manage to make it work. I thought that it might be a problem of ports in the router, but I it opened all; The bits SB217 and SB218 (SD Card Present and SD Card is write-Enable) is to "1".

    I kept on doing tests and change ' Sock INIT ' to the protocol HTTP, TCP and UDP but with none it worked.

    The strange thing is that when I do ping to the IP of the PLC in the port 80, he answers me unless it should be try to open the webserver.

    Not which can be the error and I am a little lost, can they help me?

    Thank you from already.

    P.D. To forgive my English.

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