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Posts posted by James_NZ

  1. Hi,

    You can check the memory dedicated to FB (8kB total) in VisiLogic > View menu > FB Information > RAM allocation.

    In any case, the program don't need to "crash".

    Which version of VisiLogic you're working?

    What exactly happens, when the software "crashes"? Is thhere any specific message?

    Can you send the print screen of the "crash" mesage and your application ot supplrt@unitronics.com? And, of course the softwasre version.

    The FB Memory Alloc is: Free Space 27,958; FB's 80,924; Data Table's 1,224; User Font's 20,966.

    I think the problem is the ladder memoery: Free Space 172; Ladder STL 130,900 :(

    Is there anything I can do?

  2. Hi, Thanks for your reply.

    Crash means a couple of outcomes.

    #1 The program ends by a pop-up window stating the Unitronics OPLC IDE has stopped working.

    #2 The program hangs on the Ladder compile at 99% and when I click abort a pop-up window appears as per #1 stating the Unitronics OPLC IDE has stopped working.

    The follow details are were obtained from the details part of to pop-up window when #2 occured.

    I have used 8.6.3 & 9.3 with the same results. If you would like I can post a youtube video?

    Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: VisiLogic.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 4d296551

    Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll

    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16695

    Fault Module Timestamp: 4cc7ab44

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 000569aa

    OS Version: 6.1.7600.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 9624

    Additional Information 2: 96242f545adeb2edbd476577475dd7ea

    Additional Information 3: a293

    Additional Information 4: a293d9a886af6bb09ce0c7c14b37e9f5

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  3. I have a large Visilogic project running on the 290Mono hardware.

    When I compile my lastest code version Visilogic crashes consistantly when it attempts to complie the ladder. The difference between this version and the previous is really only the addition of two further Protocol Send FB's. When I disable or delete any of the larger Protocol Send FB's the code will compile. I seem to have reached a limit to the number of Protocol Send blocks allowed or the maximum number of Protocol Send message lines.

    Can someone please tell me what the maximum numbers might be?

    [edit] Sorry, the problem seems to be that the new version exceeds the maximum allowed ladder memory space.

  4. Hi There,

    The application I'm editing has exceeded the program memory capacity.

    The PLC is a 290 monochrome running OS 5.04 B20.

    When downloading to the controller I get a warning stating that:

    "The size of the project is preventing the upload data from being downloaded. Do you want to Continue? [Yes/No]"

    I chose Yes.

    I then see:

    "This project exceeds the program memory capacity for the PLC.

    Refer to the Event Log Tab for details."

    If I view the event details I see what I assume to be the consumed amount of memory?

    post-905-018277900 1307052234_thumb.png

    When I go to Build > Project Memory Allocation, I get the same two resulting messages as when downloading.

    Connection > PLC Flash Memory Allocation proves me some information regarding free space but nothing is completely depleted.

    Something needs to be reduced in size, my questions is how do I find what it is and by how much?

  5. Sorry its taken a while for me to get back.

    We are using the unidownloader for technicians in the field so we are able to operate ok.

    The blank .dvi application works no problems with OS5.04B18 & B20.

    The issue only appears with our application on both OS5.04B18 & B20.

    The issue does not appear when we make a unidownloader file with the troubled dvi in either OS.

    Therefore I think the problem may be somewhere in our application, but why do both the unidownloader and visilogic work?

    I have inherited this code but I am more familiar with it now. Having said that I cannot solve this issue.

    What are your thoughts about how to go about solving it?

    It’s not urgent but we'd like to solve it as remoteaccess is our primary tool for technicians.

    Kind Regards


  6. That works well; I'll make a habit of opening files that way.

    However I was hoping someone would point be to somewhere in the project properties or similar.

    It's still pretty average to be unable to confirm exactly which version I have open somewhere in the program.

    I'd like to see a path and file name added somewhere, especially considering how easy it would be.

    Thanks for your help TM

  7. Hi everyone

    I have one simple question that I'm having trouble finding the the answer to, so at the risk of sounding like a newbie I thought I'd ask in here.

    How do I tell the file name of the current project loaded in visilogic (9.0.1)?

    My trouble is that the file name and/or path are condensed with the ~ character.

    Open question to anyone and obviously not an urgent matter.


  8. Thanks for the help.

    I already had the lastest version OS but checked again anyway, I then attempted to download the application using Remote Access with the following communication parameters:

    • Baud rate - 57600
    • Time out - 6 sec

    The download failed at 91% as before.

    It seems as if the controller was resetting itself twice, and I lost communication on the second reset.

    I created a UniDownloader UDC file with the application only (no o/s).

    Then downloaded the UDC file to the PLC - it worked.

    I did this to two controllers with the same results each time.

    I am happy its working but should it work with remote access?

  9. We are having a few issues D/Ling a piece of our code to the vision 290 PLC's.

    We have OS5.04(B13) on the PLC which matches the OS5.04 (we not sure of build match though) the code uses.

    It gets to 91% via Serial or TCP/IP and then looses its connection.

    We have tried using Visilogic 9.01, Remote access 9.01 and remote access 6.01 with the same results.

    Its D/Ling a piece of our code using OS4.72(B26) well with no problems.

    We also have a PLC that won’t respond to the tap trick and stays loading in Boot Strap Mode (I suspect due to the above problem).

    We can get the info about its OS etc from the PLC but it will not DL or communicate more than that.

    Does anyone have any ideas – we are getting stuck fast.


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