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Machine Controls - Overhead Conveyor



In this entry, I would like to highlight one of our machine controls projects that used the Unitronics V130 OPLC:


AMPS has been working with JML Services and their die storage systems for over ten years. These machines have been installed in most states all over the country to help printing companies keep track of their die plates. A corrugated box manufacturer, for instance, may have over 1000 die plates to store and keep track of. This could take up valuable floor space and be a nightmare to efficiently find the proper plate at the proper time.

This system from JML Services stores all the plates high above the shop floor on a conveyor that snakes its way throughout the facility. There is one strategically placed loading/unloading station with an operator's console where the conveyor dips down to ground level.

All the hooks holding the plates are assigned a number which is tracked by the Unitronics Vision 130 PLC. The operator can key in the hook number he wants using the PLC's built-in display and the conveyor will automatically deliver the die plate via the shortest route.

Customers also have the option of connecting the system to their LAN via wireless Ethernet. This allows daily pick lists to be generated at the front office by management and the operator on the floor just tells the system when he's ready for the next plate. This also allows the front office to track progress and maintain a vast database of die plates using MS Excel.

AMPS Industrial Controls is proud to be involved in the control system design for JML Services. Our engineering team is in close contact with JML and frequently makes custom changes so that each end customer's needs are fully met. Even though the engineering work has been finished for a few years, JML keeps our shop busy building their electrical control panels by placing orders for these systems on a regular basis.


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