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  1. Hi I am using a Vision 280. I try to setup the PLC to send e-mail, but I can't get the SB 150(Ethernet Soc 3 is connected)=1. When using cmd: ping smtp.gmail.com I got Then I setup the TCP/IP Connect Sock 3 as: and port nr= 25. Then I tried to connect, but the SB 150 still = 0. Is there any one can tell me what was wrong. Thanks beforhand. Thien
  2. Hi I am using a Vision 280. I am trying to configurate the PLC to send e-mail, but I can't get the SB 150(Ethernet Soc 3 is connected)=1. When using cmd: ping smtp.gmail.com I got Then I configurate the TCP/IP Connect Sock 3 as: and port nr= 25. Then I try to connect, but the SB 150(Ethernet Soc 3 is connected)=0. Is there any one can tell me what wrong. Thanks beforhand. Thien
  3. Thank you. It was a quick response. It works again. Best regards. Thien
  4. Hello everybody. I have an old V120-12-R1. When I was downloading an OS into the controller I got a power suply disconnection. Now I can not connect to the controller any more by the serial communication RS232. Is there any one know how I can resolve the problem? Thanks beforhand. Thien
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