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Posts posted by keklon

  1. Hello All,

    I have 6  V130 's as slaves connected Modbus IP reporting to a C-more HMI as the master. Each V130 sends a vector of 6 MI's to the HMI reporting temperatures from T/C's on heaters. This is working flawless.  My next step is to also send some Data from MB's.  I am uncertain of best way to do this.  Would it be wise to add one more MI to my vector and  use Store Direct  for the desired MB as  a BCD value?  How do I convert the MB's to MI's  for Modbus IP?

  2. Thanks for the unambiguous feedback Joe T.  I downloaded and ran the attached  still dont see SB 149 active for the connection.  I've done an initialize and reset command and even placed  TCP/IP initialize  FB  for the sockets 0 and 3 in case of overlap from my previous edits and still no connection. The  IP Address of the C-More is and I entered this in the Modbus Config FB in the column where the slaves are listed. Unsure if this is correct? I understand that the  C-more acts as the master in this scheme . Can you take a look and see where else may be causing connection issues?


  3.  Before I attempt to transmit data from the V130 to  the C-More HMI,   I need to establish communication between the two.  TCP/IP is a hand shake protocol . Now using socket 3  ,P 502 and only being concerned with the TCP/IP Connect FB,  I've taken out the configure TCP/IP FB.   I am not able to to get SB150 to be active. I'm thinking that it may have to do with the PLC slave number. I have tried 0, 1  and even 255 as illustrated in the screen shot above. Looking at Automation Directs customer forum I see there are issues  with C-more and Modicon Modbus TCP/IP protocol .  Can anyone tell me how to determine the V130  slave number aside from guessing?  I  see the Set network ID FB  is there a set slave ID type  of FB?

  4. Hello, After 2 days of researching an trying , with no success, to setup a communication with a V130 and a C-More HMI via Modbus TCP/IP ,  Its time I ask for help.  Eventually I will need to connect 6  V130's  to the HMI but  I can't seem to get the first V130 to communicate.  As I read in some other topics , I will use to this Socket 3 ,port 502 as the C-More is a 3rd party device. I am using Socket 1 for the PC Programming port and it is communicating. Not sure to use The V130 as a slave or a master. I tried both ways to no avail. Attached is a copy of the project. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  Also, I am pasting a screen shot of the C-more Com setup.  



  5. I  need to have  some safeguards in place for the case of an open TC. When the Thermocouple is unplugged the  HSO is driven 100%. I see an red indicator appear on the IO-ATC8 . Is this reported to the control in a SB or do I need to write a net and do a range comparison with upper and lower limits?

  6. Thanks for the tips.

    I unknowingly downloaded this BETA version. I recently upgraded my laptop and the IT department here where I work loaded the program. I will now request the non BETA version.

    I realize that I do not need to run an auto-tune on every startup. 

    The Auto tune did a good calculation for parameters to run at 300 degree F but when i raised to the desired 800 F It needs to be re-tuned. The A tune wont seem to help for the higher temp.

    The temperature overshoots 10- 17 degrees. 

    What is the best method for correcting overshoot on a PID loop? any thoughts? 


  7. For troubleshooting I find it most convenient to have all the  PID configuration blocks all tied together on top of the main Ladder routine. 

      I am unable to view the HSO in hardware configuration for beyond Output5. The spin button does not cycle this low. The only way I was able to enter the values was to start at O5 and enter the data moving toward O1- O0. Is there another window  to maximize the entry fields? I think I may have doubled some MI's. Other than this I am having success, i was able to perform an Atune on one of my loops now I am trying to set the program up to run all 6 loops at startup and also have an option to one a separate A-tune as needed.


  8. I have an application where I will run 6 separate PID Heating loops with a Vision series V130-33-T2 controller. I have watched and understand the tutorial listed for setting up the PID parameters in regard to Autotune FB's. My question,  what is the best practice for running A-tune on multiple loops? Should each have its own sub program? How can be accomplished on the first scan? I have searched and found only single loop examples. Can someone  please point me in the right direction.

  9. I have successfully created a shift register using the suggested  Si87, SI88 and SB87, SB88 method after the MB to MI conversion. For now I am only using 16 bits for the shift. My next question is . How can I synchronize my Bit Sift (MB's) with ( MI's)? I have a revolving 36 station tester and I would like to record how many times each station has a reject. I will assign each station to a MI. This will allow me to flag stations that have excessive rejects. At this point I have assigned an MI for the current station. 

  10. The bit shift is going to be used to track cans that are conveyed at a speed of 150 cans a minute. At that rate using the suggested method may not be accurate. Does the Jazz support vector copy instruction? If not, which OPLC would be suitable for this application? I plan to populate the bit shift register with cans that fail an inspection and point to the bit with a sensor at the reject chute to verify the can was discarded.

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