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Posts posted by TylerHPS

  1. Thank you, I threw in a voltage divider and it worked.

    Another question though, if I have the top rung of my outputs (02,03...0VO,+VO) as sinking am I able to have my bottom row (CM2, O0I...O1,0V,+V) as sourcing?

    trying to set up a motor to go at a certain speed set by a pot with the PWM output

  2. Hi there,

    I'm trying to hook up a Potentiometer to my PLC, I have a 24V power supply going through my potentiometer, I have hooked up a common ground to CM0 and I have put the signal wire to go to port 5 (I1V), I've measured my signal with a multi-meter and the potentiometer and the wiper correctly displays 0-24V on the multi-meter. However on my PLC it wont read any values under my analog input I/O

    I have changed the inputs to the 0-10V option, I realize my 24V is a bit stronger... is that the issue?
    Will take any tips as I'm not the strongest in electrical

  3. All I can say is that the Unilogic support staff, the youtube videos and the general ease of the software/programming side is all amazing. From what you're saying it seems like a job that Unilogics can do but I can't compare the two as I've only been working with Unilogics for a few weeks now.

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  4. What the main goal is:
    To download a CSV file from an external source and then transfer that data into an array which will be used throughout the program.

    I assumed my first step was to convert a CSV file to a udtf file and then use the function "Copy column to array". 

    However, when I try and use the CSV to UDTF my status bar always shows  "-1", I have a micro SD card in the slot and a USB in another slot with the required CSV file. I also tried just putting the file onto the micro sd card but that also didn't seem to work... 

    Am I using the function properly? Any advice would be helpful as this is my first time using Unitronics

    Thank you


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