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Posts posted by orisantander

  1. Hi Ausman!

    That's an amazing info. Thanks a lot! 

    Sorry for not answer Joe's question. In this case it would be access via local network.

    14 hours ago, Ausman said:

    do you want viewers to have full operational access?

    And the answer to this question is yes, as it is a basic on/off system, they want to be able to control it by remote access.

    Another question that I'm not sure if it's ok to ask it on this forum, sorry if it's not. But does anyone know about an Unitronics provider in Chile? In this case to buy the Ethernet card.

    Thanks again for your kind help!


  2. Joe, 

    Thanks for your answer. 

    7 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    Are you talking access via a local network or from the outside world?

    I'd like to access by entering the IP address of the controller into a web browser and have a full visualization of the HMI screens. Is it possible?

    Or by downloading an app on de PC that allow me to do the same?

    Thanks in advance! 

  3. Hello everyone!

    I have a v1040 PLC with EX-RC1 module. I've been asked to establish a remote access to this PLC, from a PC or a cellphone. Is this possible if the PLC doesn't have the Ethernet port? Or is there another option to make this?

    How can I know if it has an Ethernet card installed? 

    Thanks in advance! 


  4. 6 hours ago, sgull said:

    In the EX-RC1, if you are mapping the outputs to a different address to the expected the PLC will see this as being incorrect.

    The outputs should still work but you will keep getting this error on compile.


    Thanks for this information. As RO16 is module #6, the outputs start at O112 in the EX-RC1 and on the PLC I'm mapping to the same addresses.

    However, I'm gonna test it on field and see if it still work!

    Another thing I just see is my UniCan Send block config on the PLC. I'm not sure if I'm setting the correct parameters. This is what I have:



    I had the Lenght parameter set on 7 and I just changed to 16, haven't tested on field but still have the same hardware warning.

    Thanks for all your help!

  5. 1 hour ago, Ausman said:

    Perhaps you've already got incorrectly assigned I/Os that you've missed somewhere, that the compiler is picking up?

    I'm trying to figure it out. I've been following the examples of communications but I can't see what could be the problem.

    Here are my codes, I know it take time to take a look but I would appreciate all the help!

    Thanks a lot! 

    P796 - RO EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

    P796 - RO PLC for EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

  6. Hello again! 

    This time I'm wondering if there is a rule to add the IO modules. Is it necessary to configure the digital I/O before the analogue ones? 

    I have this configuration: 

    v1040 + EX-RC1 + (#0: IO-AT8) + (#1: IO-ATC8 )+ (#2: IO-ATC8) + (#3: IO-ATC8) + (#4: IO-AO6X)

    I need to add an IO-RO16 as module #5 but i have this warning: 


    I'm not sure what can be wrong. If someone could give me an idea please...

    Thanks in advance! 

  7. 6 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    Your Send block in Net 8 of the IN routine is configured to only send 8 registers - hence only the first ATC8 module's data.  I changed it to 16.

    A Send can only handle 16 registers, but there's no rule that you can't have more than one Send block, so I added a second one for the third module.

    I see you left the Send block in from the example, which collects the non-existent digital inputs and places them into MI 2000.  You don't need this Send or the Struct, so I disabled them.  Feel free to delete these nets from the Example if your application is working.

    UniCAN can be confusing.  Go through all the Help again to get a better understanding of it. 

    I'll leave it as an exercise for you to add the third ATC 8 module.

    Joe T.



    P796-EX-RC1_Hospital JT.vlp


    You have no idea how thankful I am. I'm gonna check it and add the third module. 

    6 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    Feel free to delete these nets from the Example if your application is working.

    Thanks for the advice, like this is my first time with Unitronics I didn't want to change many things from the example.

    I'll keep updating my progress, thanks again! 

  8. Hi Ausman, 

    Thank you for your answer!

    2 hours ago, Ausman said:

    check that you have power properly onto the AO6, and that all the connectors b/n the various modules are correctly in place

    Already checked, it's ok. 

    2 hours ago, Ausman said:

    Personally I've have put the AO6 at the end of the line

    It was at the end of the line, the thing is that these entries aren't wired, the client I'm working for asked me to configure an ATC8 module after the AO6 for future entries.

    2 hours ago, Ausman said:

    consider changing your unican comms to space it out a bit

    Sorry for the question, but I didn't understand, could you explain it to me?

  9. Hello every one!

    I wanna say thanks in advance for your help. I'm working on a project with a v1040 OPLC with EX-RC1, 4 IO-ATC8 and 1 IO-AO6X. The problem I have is with the communication trough the modules. I can see the temperature inputs (TC tybe J) on the module 0 (the first one after the EX-RC1), but the next modules (from 1 to 4) look like they aren't communicated with de OPLC. 

    They are connected this way: EX-RC1 -- IO-ATC8 -- IO-ATC8 -- IO-ATC8 -- IO-AO6X -- IO-ATC8.

    The inputs are: 24 T/C type J (modules 0 to 2); 3 analog 4-20mA (module 4)

    The outputs are: 3 analog 0-20mA (module 3)

    I can read the inputs on the first IO module after de comm module. Could you help with this situation please?

    Here are the codes I'm working with in case you need it.

    Thanks a lot!

    P796 - EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

    P796 - PLC for EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

  10. On 12/2/2018 at 12:42 AM, Joe Tauser said:

    If you post your code we may be able to help shorten your troubleshooting time.

    Joe T.

    Joe, thanks a lot. I've been working on my code and fixing some things, not having problems with temperatures display anymore. What I'm missing now is that I'm not how to configure the analog outputs (3 VFD). As I mention before, I have a v1040 PLC and I also have a EX-RC1 comm module. 

    These are my codes.

    Any correction is welcome and thanks again!

    P796 - PLC for EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

    P796 - EX-RC1_Hospital.vlp

  11. 3 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

    I don't think those are random numbers - they are typically error codes. Check the specifications sheet for the I/O module.

    What you'll have to do is copy the thermocouple integer value to another integer variable (which will be displayed on the HMI) with a compare to determine which value gets copied, the original value or the value you want displayed.

    Good idea, thank you! 

    I'm going to try this. I'm using a EX-A2X I/O expansion module with 6 IO-ATC8 modules, I'm not sure about the error codes, gonna do some research.

    Here are some real pictures of the HMI screen. Note that some of the values displays "**" or "0" or even negative values on the press sensor.

    I've got this pictures from field and I don't know which sensors are wired and which are not, so they asked me to try to set "0" as a default option so they can identify the non-wired inputs.


    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.12 PM (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.12 PM.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM (2).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at 4.34.11 PM.jpeg

  12. Hello everyone,

    I've been reading this forum for a while and it has been very helpful, thanks a lot!

    I have a project with a v1040 and 22 thermocouple type J and I display the temperature values on the HMI screen.

    Some of thermocouples aren't wired and the HMI displays random values on these entries.

    I'd like to display "0" or "--" on the numeric variable where the thermocouples aren't wired. Is it possible?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Here's a screenshot of the HMI screen.

    HMI screen.png

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