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  1. Thanks for all suggestions, it looks like I have reconsider how I approach problems like these in the PLC coding. Instead of calling the delay function for each tasks it's need (in this case it looks like the delay is only needed for 6 valves) I probably need the have a complete sub routine for each of these main tasks. It kind of contradicts how I'd like to get "high coupling and low cohesion" programs to work, but I guess it's also depends on POV.
  2. I have a dual 3840x1600 USB-C setup and it is a lot of pixels to traverse with alt space M and arrow left/right/up/down...Display 1 is the laptop monitor with 1920x1080 and the best resolution for VL in my opinion. It also turned out that monitor 3 was the main display, thus VL always opens its tiny popups in my upper corner. I changed display 3 to 1 as main and hopefully it's not going to jump back and forth for each dock/undock from now on. This post from 2013 is still valid way to reproduce the scenario, and the alt+space+M will move your pop-up, but only if you don't swap between different programs - and this you can test with only 1 monitor: Dobule click a MB to Open the "Select operand And Adress" dialog, Hit alt+tab to hit your favorite web browser to search for a solution to the invisible window Use alt+ tab to go back to the VL instance Now the dialog/pop up is grey/passive: Try to open the move commando from the keyboard, and there is no response nor to the shortcut keys, escape or alt-F4. You have to activate the window before the keyboard Move commando, and it seems to behave different with or without the imaginary monitor On a single active display you need to click on the dialog box, with the ghost display clicking anywhere on VL seems to activate the hidden b
  3. The main window was correct displayed, my problem are the pop-ups/dialog boxes opended on my second or third monitor - even when I connected an external monitor on site it didn't show. Back in my office I have to connect the same monitor to the same USB-C port to get visual contact. One should expect when all external monitors are disconnected, MS Windows reorganize all applications (including my open VL instance), then this should be stored somewhere when closing VL and I shut down the lap top to make sure it rebooted on the main/internal display only.
  4. Are there any plans to fix this bug? It's been almost 10 years since this post and I got in the same situation today.
  5. I have the same problem now, and I even prepared before I left my triple display office and disconnected my external monitors, closed, VL, and shut down the laptop. One problem with the AltSpaceM is that the dialogue needs to be active, and if you tab windows back and forth it's not possible to get the move commando initialized. This bug should really be fixed. Passive: Active:
  6. Here is the valve program, the subroutine runs the pump as long as the input is high and works perfect (without the off-delay), and I need 1 net for each input/output. I assume a lot of you prefer using input buffer bits with subroutines, and maybe I'll rewrite for that, my code is based on the examples provided in the help section.
  7. You are right Ausman, if any (or all ) of the 6 valves are in use the same main pump are running and the pump shutdown are delayed when the last of them are turned off. I've looked into the sub-routine advice, and also the examples from Unitronics, maybe I'm to OOP minded when I want the same net/routine to be re-used and only 1 timer to be used for the same task. The switches (S1, S2 etc) in thise case are also latched while beeing operated with spring return, so no self holding or set/reset for the valves A, B etc.
  8. Hi, I'm working on a program for hydraulic controls, there are 6 valves with manual control (12 states). Whenever a switch is operated it set the control valve and start the pump (common for all valves). I have one ladder net for each valve and call a subroutine to start the pump, open main valve etc. This seems to work and using the subroutine code it is easy to fix and read. However I don't find a good solution to delay the pump stop when the manual switch is released. Haven't worked with PLC in many years, so I need a few tips. The pseudo code is something like: Push and hold Button1->Open valveA, open Valve1 and start pump Release Button1 -> Close valveA, close Valve1 and delay 10sec stop pump
  9. Thanks, I've looked into that, but I still have to add all IOs as seperate HMI-objects. I guess it's possible to store all inputs in a vector, but as long as the outputs are single bits or numerical it doesn't really make any difference.
  10. Hi, I'm new to Unitronics, and I just got my self a 350 to play with for a control system. Is there a super easy way to create status HMI for DIO? Just a simple LED like many PLC's have would been nice to put on the display.
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