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DataXport Excel file not created on Windows 11

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I have a customer that has a Vision 120 PLC and we have them using the Unitronics DataXport program to pull the run of data into excel.  They have an old Windows XP computer that is working fine with DataXport for about 10 years.  They would like to replace the old PC.  They tried a Windows 11 PC with DataXport and with testing they get results of "Call Succeeded" on the calls log but states "Excel File not created" on the log files report (see attached screenshots).  It appears it is not saving the excel file.

Any ideas on why this occurred?  Any recommendations on successfully using DataXport moving foreword?  Can it work on Windows 10 or 11?  Thanks.

Vaccum Unitronics Issue 2 .png

Vaccum Unitronics Issue.png

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