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Problem Configurating M91 Incremental Shaft Encoder

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Good Day Everybody

Recently i acquired the plc-m91-2-T1 and i need it for an application where i use a shaft encoder with 2000 pulses per rev (PPR)

At first i tried to add both of the channels (input 0 for channel 1 and input 2 for channel 2) as shown in my program (attached) and it almost made it well for one direction (sometimes it counted 1900 of 2000 pulses) in the other direction never counted so i thought it was the speed of the counter so i reduced the pulses to 250 with a FlipFlop JK Circuit but the problem remains the same

Any ideas or suggestions of how can i use the shaft encoder easier? Also i need it for both directions.

Also i wanna know if there is any support in Spanish.


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