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I have an application I am converting from Allen Bradley code. In the Allen Bradley I am using the OSF block. This block has a storage bit and an output bit that retains state after the transition. I tried to use a -|N|- but the coil will not retain the state unless I make it a -(S)-. Then I have no easy way to reset it.

Is there a simple way to achive this same functionality in VisiLogic?

OSF Storage and Output Bits Operation

Rung State Transition Storage Bit Output Bit

true-to-false (one scan) bit is reset bit is set

false-to-false bit is reset bit is reset

false-to-true and true-to-true bit is set bit is reset



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I can't delete this so I will just say I figured it out. I was hung up on the falling trigger and not setting a bit for the oneshot in my rung after. I was trying to just use the -|N|- when I needed to store it first since I needed to use it as an examine on and examing off in two branches. Works great now.

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