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Hi good morning,

I´m from Monterrey, Mexico and I’m I´m having a problem with the PLC Unitronics V130 that is affecting my process. The program consist of a wash and sanitize cycle that has a duration of some minutes (less than five) but now I have 3 PLCs that when the cycle is going on or when the PLC is just in stand by (the error doesn´t happen in the same moment) the PLC shows an error that says the next text in the HMI:

OS Err: Word Acc

F. Enum: 0x00001D00

Ins. Ptr: 0x000536BE


Ladder: 0x00000008

the OS is the next one:

V130-33-R2 (A)

O/S: 3.4 (17)

BOOT: 2.2 (08)

FACTORY BOOT: 1.2 (03)

When I´m working with a new PLC the error is shown like 2 months after being installed and when the error happens once it keep appearing like in every cycle or we can say “constantly”.

I hope that you can help me with this problem because is causing me that the process stops

If you need any other information please tell me.

Thank you for your attention and your support and sorry if my english is not so well :D

Best regards!

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