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reset memory ML in Vision

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hello, I'm zecarlos

sorry for the stupid question but my head does not give more

i want reset a memory long ML to 0 after a count 400000 pulses for example or some times to reseting the encoder that i have conected in fast imput.

someone help.

best regards



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Hi Zecarlos,

To reset the HSC at a certain number of pulses you can use the "High Speed Counter Reload" found in the hardware configuration. Reload enables you to immediately load 0 into a high-speed counter when the counter value reaches a target value. Note that you cannot set the Reload input to Frequency Measurement. Please see the blow image, You can find further instruction in the help file if you reference high speed counter in the search tab.


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thank for replay Mister´s Michael_P and Walkerok

had already tested the direct store but did not work (ML to #0), the function High Speed ​​Counter Reload never tested and looks functional.

tomorrow i will test the two options more carefully and then I say something , ok

I also discovered a function "reset numeric" that might work (?)

best regards


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