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Conversion from Long Int to Int


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Hello Shailesh,


If you wish to run this PLC as a Modbus Master, please remove nets 1 and 2 in your program.  These nets are making it a slave on the network as well.


The error status 55 does not exist.  A status of 5 explains there is no Modbus communication established, or it cannot fin the network to connect to.  Please ensure your wiring and communication parameters are all correct, and re-check the status you are receiving in MI 1000.


Still I got error status =55 . can u send me same logic with correction

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Hello Shailesh,


If you wish to run this PLC as a Modbus Master, please remove nets 1 and 2 in your program.  These nets are making it a slave on the network as well.


The error status 55 does not exist.  A status of 5 explains there is no Modbus communication established, or it cannot fin the network to connect to.  Please ensure your wiring and communication parameters are all correct, and re-check the status you are receiving in MI 1000.




I have created modbus master logic . so can u check this logic and tell me is this write or wrong. I want to make PLC as a master and other PLC as slave .


Modbus master.vlp

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Hello s.pratt,


         Somehow, my program is not working. I am getting error like 4 or 5. 

         I have downloaded reference program from library. But it is not executing. 

         Modbus slave is working perfectly. 


         Is there any mistake in my program for Modbus Master??




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Hello Shailesh,


A status message of 4 explains that the Modbus Master communication has timed out and has not received a response from the slave.   A status message of 5 explains that there is no communication established.


In your set up, you are using Modbus over RS232.  Is this correct?  Please ensure your cabling is correct, or try a different cable.  Also, please ensure your jumper settings for the ports are set to RS232.  These settings can be seen on the sticker on the back of the unit, or in the installation guide on our technical library page.

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Hello Shailesh,


A status message of 4 explains that the Modbus Master communication has timed out and has not received a response from the slave.   A status message of 5 explains that there is no communication established.


In your set up, you are using Modbus over RS232.  Is this correct?  Please ensure your cabling is correct, or try a different cable.  Also, please ensure your jumper settings for the ports are set to RS232.  These settings can be seen on the sticker on the back of the unit, or in the installation guide on our technical library page.

But our modbus slave programming is working on both modscan and our scada system .

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Hello Shailesh,


I just noticed in your program that in net 5, you are reading a coil of the slave ID #1.  But your master (the one sending the commands) is set to slave ID #1.  So you are trying to read a coil of a master, which is not set up to receive commands.  Please change the slave ID you are reading to your proper slave ID.

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Actually I want to make PLC as a modbus master and my slave is ABB- VFD Drive .  So I can't communicate . so please can u give me exact logic which can I use In my PLC . I have examples of modbus master logic , but it can't worked. so please can u give me logic for my understanding . and also give me logic of  Unitronics plc  V 570  as a modbbus master , and other Allen bradly PLC - Micrologics 1400 as a slave plc.

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Hello Shailesh,


I just noticed in your program that in net 5, you are reading a coil of the slave ID #1.  But your master (the one sending the commands) is set to slave ID #1.  So you are trying to read a coil of a master, which is not set up to receive commands.  Please change the slave ID you are reading to your proper slave ID.

Means I want to make My Unitronics V570 as a modbus master and having 2 slave , one is my Scada pc and other is ABB- VFD Drive . so can u give me logic of that .

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Hello Shailesh,


I can provide an example application of this; however, I would need to know more about what you are reading from the ABB Drive.


1. What is the drive's slave address?

2. Do you have the slave addressing table for the drive? Without this, we cannot find the location of the information you are trying to read.

3. What are the communication parameters you are using to communicate with the drive? (what standard, baud rate, parity, etc.)


Please let me know this information, or send this issue into support@unitronics.com for more help.

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Hello Shailesh,


I can provide an example application of this; however, I would need to know more about what you are reading from the ABB Drive.


1. What is the drive's slave address?

2. Do you have the slave addressing table for the drive? Without this, we cannot find the location of the information you are trying to read.

3. What are the communication parameters you are using to communicate with the drive? (what standard, baud rate, parity, etc.)


Please let me know this information, or send this issue into support@unitronics.com for more help.

Drive's slave address- 3

I am reading torque value and degree of rotation of Motor from ABB Drive .  Communicaton port for ABB is RS 485 . Baud rate is 19200, and parity - none , stop bit -1 , data length -8 etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have problem about plc ,that I have connected one load cell to LC1 card and done hardware configuration on plc . so I didn't get value on plc but on multimeter directly I get the value on LC1 card . so I don't understand what to do ?
Beacause my connection is completely OK.

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 Please can u give  me load cell configuration and  calibration in the form PLC logic . Beacause I don't understand that how to calibrate .

The specification of Load cell are

Exitation volteage - 10 VDC

Nominal o/p- 3.0 mV/V

I want to read  the load cell  value into Memory integer .

So please give me Logic  of load cell


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Hello Shailesh,


The loadcell wiring configuration depends on the loadcell module you have.  You can find the wiring disgrams on the installation guide for the unit in out technical library.


There is also a loadcell example program already created in our examples folder found under the help menu in VisiLogic.  (Examples...> Version 900> Project Examples> Loadcell> V120_LC_quick.vlp).  The help files cover all aspects of the loadcell function blocks.


For more help on loadcells, please feel free to e-mail into support@unitronics.com.

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In that load cell example the output of load cell is read by ML resistor , but I want to read in MI resistor . so I have selected the MI resistor in Hardware configuration then I don't see the output reading of load cell . so can u give me load cell example logic with output read in MI resistor .

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Hello Shailesh,


If you wish to read the loadcell reading into an MI rather than an ML, change the resolution in the hardware configuration for that loadcell input from "High" to "Normal".  Then link the input value(s) to the MIs you wish to use.


Hope this helps.

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