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Buffered SD Card, Rev 1

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This is a revision to the buffered SD card subroutine I submitted before Christmas. It adds some new functionality (credit Stein Yair for explaining how the File Info FB operates), including file and folder selection, file and folder info, and a better layout of operands to make modification easier.

It's free to all. Be sure to read the readme file for more detailed information, instructions for importing and use.



SD Card with Buffer Rev 1.zip

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  • External Moderators

Something I noticed while working on this:

When choosing the filename in Write CSV, you give an 8-character name and choose the type separately. When using File Info though, it needs the name plus extension, with no option to choose file type. While I see the need to make this FB general-purpose, I had to devote alot of effort to generating a file name the File Info FB would recognize. Be nice to simplify this somehow, say by looking at the name only and not extension?

Also, I tried to force an illegal value into my folder selection and check for an illegal folder before clearing the buffer. If it's somewhere in the OS, I didn't see it, but the File and Folder Info blocks did not update, and even with an illegal destination, reported no problems.



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