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On my project i would to choose the alarm name on the digital input I0-I1-I2-I3-I4-I7-I8. On the attached file  :  ladder "Alarm display" and the HMI  "activ alarm"

On the  data table "alarm name 2"  i created 7 column, on each column there is 16  rows for the alarm name possibility. For each columns i increment a MI for read the row. I choose for each column the alarm name. It work, so :

what I can not do : When I0 switch, i would read the cell  corresponding of the position of the MI.

For example :

MI column1 at 0 => When I0 switch i would read  "Arret d'urgence"

MI column 2 at 10 => When I1 switch i would read "Défaut temp"

MI column 3 at 14  => When I2 switch i would read "Défaut réserve 3"



How i can do that? I don't understand how to link 2 data table.

Thanks for the help.






pgrm V1 20171107.vlp

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