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z-view communication problem PC-PLC

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Hi everybody,

I have a problem in communication between Z-view and PLC (V130-33-R6). Communication is done via Ethernet, or it should be. I'm using a straight through cable. I managed to ping the PLC successfully, but the port state remains not connected. Later on, after some restarts, port state changed to idle. I made an alias "reading" with address "1;1;MI102", but the question mark on the value remains.

For I am using this scada for the first time, maybe there is some catch that is already familiar to someone. In user manual I couln't find the correct syntax for the address, so I'm not sure if 1;1;MI102 is the right one. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance, for your effort

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I made the connection, so the post state is CONNECTED. I did in ladder the card int, sock int, plc name, sock connect and scan. Now I have to make SCADA and PLC to talk.

Tx is counting, but the Rx and items are 0.

Is the port 502 with Modbus on socket 2 condition for their conversation?

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