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USB to RS232 Driver Win 11 problem

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Hi to all Visilogic people !

Several day my comp decided (and I agree) update Win 10 to Win 11.

All was very nice, but USB to RS232 stop working.

After several days of searching - I found solution.

!!! Roll back Ports COM and LPT Driver.

I found it in:


Solution 1: Roll Prolific USB to Serial Driver Back to An Older Version

Updating your drivers often work wonders for your system because it makes sure that it runs on the latest features that guarantee maximum functionality. Unfortunately updating your drivers can cause this kind of error especially if your latest update does not work too well with your hardware. Once you upgrade your PC to the latest Windows version your Prolific USB to Serial Driver also updates to the latest driver software and if the driver is not compatible with your Hardware issues may arise. To correct the error, you will have to download the driver again by following these steps.

  • Right-click on your PC Start button and open Device Manager
  • Double click LPT and COM ports then locate the Prolific USB to Serial Driver and right-click it so you can select Update Driver
  • For driver software click My computer

click my computer for driver software

  • From My computer select "Let me pick from a list of drivers available"

select the right command

  • Choose an older version from the list then click Next

choose an older version from the list then click next

  • The driver you selected will be installed automatically
  • Once it has been downloaded reconnect the driver to see if it works
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