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I'm working a project that is bein implemented into a Samba 35.   

SM35-J-TA22 to be exact.   I'm running the latest VisiLogic program  9.8.95.   

When the PLC first boots up, instead of the normal Unitronics Splash Screen,  I get a blank red screen and thre is a a narrow gray rectangle in the upper left corner.  

It clears itself in about 2-3 seconds, about like the normal Unitronics Splash screen and then goes to my Company Logo which is my normal startup and then the program runs normally.  

None of the screens in my program have anythin glike this.  I looked in the "SYSTEM IMAGES" folder under Project drop down, and I do not see anyting that looks like this, and the normal Unitronics Logo (the normal spash screen) is there as file # 13.  

Not sure if its relevant but the code I'm using was originally developed for a similar application that was used on  Samba 7.    They wanted to save some coin on this job and we went with  the smaller footprint, so I had to change the controller in Hardware Configuration and re-work most of the screens.   

thanks for suggestions!  


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