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Gray Area


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Back on the subject of the big "grey area" (no pun intended) to the right of where we build the ladder. I would really love to be able to dock my Output window on the side instead of on the bottom. I find myself constanly expanding the Output window up and then folding it down. Huge time waster. The grey area to the right, with my settings, is literally larger in width than the ladder window and the tree window combined.

It is very easy to see that tree window is vertically dockable, this is a simple setting in VB. Can we please ask R&D to select the setting for the output window to be vertically dockable as well? I wouldn't even mind docking it to the left vertically as well.


It won't let me resize the undocked window, this also easily fixable in VB.

Please .................................... Pretty Please. :)

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