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VisiLogic + Project menu + MouseUp Event

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recently I have to work with the Visilogic software quite a lot and I think it has got a wrong function what is prevent me from fast and effective working. See the following:

- elements in the project menu are activated both MouseDown event and MouseUp event. So if I would like to choose quickly for example an earlier project from the Recent List I always come up against this problem. Then because of my speed - or an sw-bug - the software wants to 'click' e.g. the Save or Open menu, while the cursor move to downward in the list of Project menu.

This experience is with the following verions:

- VisiLogic

- VisiLogic 8.6.3

- VisiLogic 9.3.0

- VisiLogic 9.3.1

That's conundrum: is it a bug or feature? :-)

Thanks in advance!

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