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  1. Hello everybody, I have an analog force gauge (4-20mA, -5.000[N] ranged 5.000[N]) . I'm using an OPLC JZ-10-11-UN20. (has 3 AI's and a TC input) I read a few posts in this forum as well as the U90 help example regarding linerarization, and for some reason (probably there's something I'm missing ) it just doesn't work. the force gauge has a LED panel, which showed 0.291 [N], while the U90 program I wrote is attached. I notice changes in the result in the LED panel while applying force, but the U90 showed no change. can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong? secondly, the results I get from the TC (K type, range -200 to around 1000 deg. celsius) are around 220. I understood that since I use this specific model of JAZZ, this would not require special linerarization 22 would make sense, not 220. any Ideas ? does this require some kind of calibration? Thanks , Tzachi
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