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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Hi,


    For the graph, it may be do-able but all the magic would have to be down in the HTML.  The controller will only be able to share operands, you would need to write a script to accumulate the values over time and then display them in graph form.


    For the audrino you can connect to it using RS232 and send information using the FB protocol, CANbus will work as well but serial should be cheaper and easier IMHO.


    Sounds like a interesting project

    • Upvote 1
  2. In the font handler, make sure that script is set to Cyrillic (box is at the bottom right)


    Also your PC should be set to Russian as well to allow the Copy/Paste.  In Control panel --> Region and Language

    On the formats tab select Russian from the first drop down.

    On the administrive tab click "Change System Locale"

    Set the Default input to russian.


    You should now be able to copy and paste russian characters freely.


    hope that helps!

  3. Hi Michael,


    When debugging I find it always helps to test everything step by step before connecting them all.  If you put each CSV write on separate MBs and trigger them manually do they both write successfully?  If so you may need to change the delay or conditions between the two.  If not, then it could be a problem with the file name, check the status message in each write FB for a better clue as to what went wrong.





  4. Welcome Kelraz!


    Glad you like the forum, we are always glad to hear that.


    It looks like that MI is being used by another process, from the description it looks  like it is linked to a PT100 in the hardware config.  Because of this, the controller will update the MI with the value from the PT100 immediately after you force the value to 0.  This change happens so fast you will not see it in online mode.  If you want to test the linearization function you will have to assign a unused MI to force the value.


    BTW I should mention that RTDs like PT100 do not need to be linearized in visilogic.  The real engineering value will appear in the linked MI automatically with a resolution of .1 degree.  So if it is 68.5 degrees in the room, the MI will hold 685.


    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



  5. Hi nkwai,


    It is very hard to determine just from the one net.  The MODBUS scan means the controllers is a MODBUS slave.  The reset looks like there is data that is being stored in a bit map and the programmer is using num to bit and bit to num to convert between decimal format and binary format but it is difficult to see much else.  If you need any help understanding the program please feel free to send an email to support@unitronics.com.  





  6. Hi Steve,

    The default baud rate for the V350 series is actually 115200. I would try bumping it up and try again.

    As for the SD password, you will not be able to copy a program from the PLC to the SD card unless you have setup an SD password in the program. This is a secruity measure to project your code. To add an SD password you just need a SD password function block in your ladder (under SD--> Set SD password).

    If you any other questions regarding trouble shooting please don't hesitate to contact our technical support team at support@unitronics.com


    Ryan Jones

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