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Posts posted by kpark

  1. Thanks @Cara Bereck Levy, but all I get are ????? when I paste my Japanese text into the Text Image.    Pasting from an Excel file.  I can past non double byte characters fine.  Even if I install a Japanese font and select it as my font in the Text Image, it just repeats a single character as many times as there are characters in the original translation that I'm copying from my Excel spreadsheet.  I suspect the character that is repeating is the equivalent of the English '?' in Japanese but I'm not sure.  If I type in the Text Image with the Japanese font selected, it does translatet to Japan, but that's no good.  I already have Japanese translations for 204 different English messages and simply want to copy/paste them into a Text Image.  Not your fault, but very frustrating.


  2. On 3/19/2013 at 8:05 AM, Cara Bereck Levy said:

    Hi Jerin,

    I wanted you to know that the recently-released VisiLogic 9.50 has an easier method for implementing Asian languages:



    Perhaps it's because this thread is 6 years old, but your link doesn't provide any useful info on implementing Asian languages.  Could you elaborate or provide a link to the current documentation?  I need to implement 3 asian languages in one software version and I don't relish the idea of creating 3x150 bitmaps.  Thanks.

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