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So I have a program that is using the SMS communication functionality and I am actually using multiple SMS Configuration blocks depending on what the setting in the PLC are and everything was working fine until I started playing with the SMS Send function block. I now can't download my code and even though it tells me to delete the net and re-enter it, and that doesn't work. Attached is the error message.

Are there any limitations to the SMS send blocks? Can only one block be in a net?

Has any one had this issue before?



post-151-095240100 1322078493_thumb.jpg

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  • MVP 2014

I would definitely follow the advice of the dialog box and email the problem file to support, as the first step.

While you are waiting for a response you can try deleting the net, then do a "build all" and downloading. Then try adding the net back in and do "build all" again.

Do you have a recent copy of the program from before the problem?

Did Visilogic crash while you had the SMS send block open for editing?

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  • 3 years later...


I have a problem when programming something that allows me to automatically resend a message that has not been sent successfully.


If just one SMS Send is used the SB185 Fail SMS and there is no problem.


But in my case, I have three Send SMS that can send at the same time and using the SB185 will only send the last two sms.

please help.

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