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❓ Help needed for serial modem initialization on SAMBA PLC

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Hi all, I am using a SAMBA SM43-J-T20 with a V100-17-RS4 serial port, I need to connect it to a serial modem to send SMS messages.

The problem is that it does not initialize the modem on the serial port COM 2, Visilogic program is derived from another one working perfectly on a V700 PLC with the same serial modem.
COM INIT FB and SMS CONFIG FB have the same parameters across the V700 and SAMBA programs. Attached is a capture of COM INIT FB on SAMBA PLC.

Connecting the serial port to a PC, in a terminal I can see that the SAMBA only sends 2+++" string while the V700 sends "+++" and "ATH" after a while.
The initialization string configured in Visilogic COM INIT 2 FB is the following:

Is there anything to do to solve this problem?


Thanks for support


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  • MVP 2023

Hi, user in topic found that new firmware has problem with modem init.

<Burn "upload project"> with version 9.8.80, install 9.8.65 and update all system files to that version and plc run normally after that. I tried to upload with success with only a warning message at the end that you are trying to upload a project from a newer version. It work! and it looks functioning pretty well (for now). GSM is back on line! 
(exporting hmi screens failed at importing)

It looks that the problem is with BOOT files newer that 2.2.48. When having newer boot file the Siemens TC35i didn't initialize on any port.

meanwhile I tried and version 9.8.80 with OS 4.6.15 is also working with BOOT file 2.2.48... so I could let the project in 9.8.80.


Please try to load your project under 9.8.65 Visilogic version firmware

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Many thanks, downgrading PLC boot and OS has solved the problem and now SAMBA is correctly working with GSM modem.

I have to rewrite the Visilogic program in previous version 9.8.65 since if I download to PLC with a newer version it requires to update PLC OS but this is a minor problem compared to not having modem functionality.


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