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Jazz and MODBUS


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I have in use SCADA software to which I would like to move the I / O data from Jazz JZ10-11-R16 PLC in through Modbus with MJ20-PRG port. I try to examining of the manual how to do it, but the configuration seems a bit confusing.

Is it in this case of Jazz serial port need to make settings under (page 253) manual?

And settings to Modbus like page 294 and page 296 Modbus parameterization?

I would like to I / O data to be available always, so how the parameters of executing must be carried out? On page 296 is an example, where is connected EN input to SB41. Could it be, for example SB2? Can you connect to PLC (for programming) when, the COM settings are changed?

On page 299 is an example where SCADA is a Modbus master. In my case, I would like to read all eight inputs. Is it configured: SI141 = 1, SI142= 34 001, SI143 = 8. How about SI144 and SI145?

What if I want to write outputs? Does the SCADA write to a memory and connect output to it?



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Do you have only one controller?

Is the connection RS232?

If so, you can use Adds On module MJ20-PRG.

You need to set the controller as Modbus Slave (see atttached demo) and your SCADA as Modbus master. Then, you need ot refer to Help topic Modbus > Slave address table for Modbus addresses of the operands in Jazz you ned ot use in your SCADA to access them.

If you want ot network few controllers in RS485 network to PC, you cannot use MJ20-PRG. You need ot use JZ-RS4 RS232/485 port. If this is the case, let me know and I'll send you relevant demo.

Modbus Slave Jazz RS232 EM.U90

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Do you have only one controller?

Is the connection RS232?

If so, you can use Adds On module MJ20-PRG.

You need to set the controller as Modbus Slave (see atttached demo) and your SCADA as Modbus master. Then, you need ot refer to Help topic Modbus > Slave address table for Modbus addresses of the operands in Jazz you ned ot use in your SCADA to access them.

If you want ot network few controllers in RS485 network to PC, you cannot use MJ20-PRG. You need ot use JZ-RS4 RS232/485 port. If this is the case, let me know and I'll send you relevant demo.

I have got only one PLC and I will use RS232 with MJ20-PRG module.

When I change serial port settings for MODBUS, can I get connection to PLC by chancing cable to different PC if I will change program? Are MODBUS and U90Ladder-program settings same?

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As MJ20-PRG receives power from other device via cable, you need ot connect it to 9 pin RS232 port of PC and to use 6 wire cable, which comes with the module.

In the attached slave application you can see the port settings. You can see them after download the application in Info mode > System menu > Communication settings.

When you connect U90Ladder, it sends special "break" signal and sinchronize the port temporary with U90Ladder. After about 1 minute there is no PCOM traffic, Jazz OS returns the communication to predefined parameters and Modbus protocol.

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Now I’m doing that program, but I’m not sure is that program now right. I download that program and tried to read I/O data with SCADA , but that is not right data. I connected some inputs, but when I read them, they will change 0 and 1. They must be solid 1. I need to move all 8 digital inputs.

I attached my program with that message. Could you help me with this, please?




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