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jazz reset

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hi ,i have a problem with a jazz jz10-11-r10 comunication with pc.

everything was work fine until i wrote some comunication SI codes to comunicate with scale terminal and when i run the jazz its just blocked

and i cant anymore make the conection with pc. Is there a main reset or something on jazz to fix this problem?

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If your system worked before the changes and does not work after the changes I would hazzard a guess that resettting the controller will probably do nothing to improve your situation. I would try reverting back to the program before your last changes and see if everything works again. If the Jazz does not work even after going back before the last revision the help file tells the ability to reset or put the PLC in bootstrap mode. See attached:


post-305-082954200 1331307286_thumb.jpg

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  • MVP 2014


"bootstrap" is the word.

Did you set up Modbus communications?

It sounds like your program has taken over the serial port, either for good or for bad reasons. Using the bootstrap modes posted by Keith will allow you to prevent the program executing, and re-establish comms to download a program without the serial port functions.

If you use Modbus, use function code 599 in SI140 to allow the PLC to still listen for communications from U90 Ladder.

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