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  • MVP 2014

Firstly, I did a quick test and Visilogic won't let you create a table with 9999 columns,

However it will let you create a table with 10 columns and 9999 rows. If you can work with that, then I suggest it will be the simplest.

I would be wary about whether the PLC will handle 9999 individual tables. You would also need to create them manually, and use the Direct data table read and write functions to simplify access (the alternative is 9999 "read row" and 9999 "write row" functions).

I hope this helps.

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There is few limitation in the structured Data tables:

1. Max number of the columns: 32 with 100 element(cells when exported to excel) each - 3200element total.

2. The maximum number of operands of any typefor a Read/Write operation is 128.

3. Max memory for all data tables is 122000bytes

That mean

1. Fortable of 10x9999 you can use only “Byte” as a maximum size of the elements

2. Whynot a table of 10 columns and 9999 rows?

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that is what i meant to say is 10 columns and 9999 rows. Can I make one data table,store it on a sd card and read/write from the sd card?I have tried to build the data table but it says it is to big when i try to save, but i havnt had a screen to try saving it to a sd card.

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1. About memory overflow:

As I mentioned above, Max memory for all data tables is 122000 bytes. When you create a10x9999 table, by default visilogic sets columns as integers. So you’ll gettinga table of 10x 9999 integers =200000bytes. In order to stay within memory limiteither cut rows QTY to 6000 or set element type as "Byte"

2. For use it with SD card, you’ll need at least 2 tables – 1st asincoming queue, 2nd as outgoing for display. So calculate table’s sizes accordantly.

SD data table utilities gives you a lot of options.

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