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Connect V120 to OPC Systems.Net using UniOPC

Terry Luu

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As I understand you wish to use Unitronics OPC Server for communicating V120 with the SCADA.

You can download UniOPC server from: http://www.unitronics.com/Data/Uploads/software%20utilities/UniOPCSetup_201.exe

Then you can find in OPC help file detailed explanation how to use the UniOPC Server.

Basically you need to configure the communication channel (57600, 8 , N , 1) and add PLC.

Please note that there is no automatic browse to operands - You will need to add the variables/tags manually.

Review help topic "OPC Client: Item Syntax"

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As I understand you wish to use Unitronics OPC Server for communicating V120 with the SCADA.

You can download UniOPC server from: http://www.unitronic...PCSetup_201.exe

Then you can find in OPC help file detailed explanation how to use the UniOPC Server.

Basically you need to configure the communication channel (57600, 8 , N , 1) and add PLC.

Please note that there is no automatic browse to operands - You will need to add the variables/tags manually.

Review help topic "OPC Client: Item Syntax"


Yes, I intend to using Unitronics OPC server for communicating V120 with the SCADA, I already connected V120 to PC with RS232 cable. and also connected to OPC SERVER but for SCADA I using an other software from OPCSystems.NET. I can't not find a way to configure and how to hook-up signal from PLC to SCADA software through OPC server. So please help me.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear all

when I use uniopc server to link my vision 120 plc

all are possible ok.

because I can see "run server "and" new client connected "message


But how can i add new item under opc address browser


I run the HMI are Rsview






K Ngai

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