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Display data seemingly not updating

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Tech in the field did an install of two ultrasonic 4-20mA sensors for product tank level indication of a V570-57-T20B + EX-A2X + DI16 + RO8 + ATC8. The bit value assigned to the two inputs of the ATC8 are changing, but the display appears to lag and/or not update. I've looked at the VLP file and cannot see why it would act in this manner. If the tech does an initialize & reset, the display is updated.

The only thing that I can even think of, is the the MI used as a source for the display was also used as a source for a string, as there were going to be serial slave displays, which are not going to be used. I have half a notion to tell the tech to disable that net of the VLP and see how it acts (it has a timer block incorporated).

With the exception of the net for storing data in the string, this program has been used by our company for the past couple years w/out issue but I don't see how it should affect the screen display update...?

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It seems that you need clear explanation of your problem to have an answer.

Like next example:

"Converted to ASCII string value of 4-20 mA input does not refresh on HMI"...

I recommend to check, if O/S, BinLib and Boot at V570 have right versions.

Click "Advanced" when checking current versions at V570, then check if files in VisiLogic directories have the same versions as reported from OPLC.

If there is any difference - select last versions from VisiLogic directories and process update.

After finishing update make "Initialize & Reset", load an empty application, then load your application and test again.

If this does not help - send your project file to support@unitronics.com with information about System files and used VisiLogic version.


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