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Hey All,

I am working on finishing our program for a vision system using a V570. The only problem we seem to be running into right now is after a reset or powering down, we have to Initialize and reset for or sockets to want to connect again.

Are we doing something wrong? Is there something I should be resetting with the power up?

Thanks in advance.


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  • MVP 2014

This isn't normal. I presume you are talking about the Ethernet sockets.

What are you doing with the Socket init blocks in your ladder code, if anything?

The default socket config will be done for you once you initialise the Card.

If you are using Socket init blocks, make sure they are driven by transitional contacts or one-shot logic.

If it gets deeper than that, I suggest posting your program to the forum or send to support@unitronics.com

One of my standard debug techniques is to start with a new blank project and only add the features you are trying to test. That might sound time consuming, but so is going around in circles wondering what could be wrong. If the test program does the same thing as the real program, you have a nice simple example to use when asking for help. If the test program works properly, you can then compare with the real program to find out what is different.

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